To start, click the icon to select a PDF file first.

Once your PDF document is shown on the screen, click the icon to add text to anywhere on the current page. You can adjust the text style, including font size, color, weight, etc, as needed. After you finish your editing, click the icon to save the updated PDF file to your downloads folder.

Click the icon to remove the selected text you added. If you want to remove all the text you added, click the icon.

After the PDF is displayed, you can click the and icon to navigate to the page you want to view or edit. You can also directly enter a page number in the page number box and hit the Enter key (or click your mouse on anywhere other than the page number box) to jump to the page.

When you view the pages, you can click the and icon to zoom in and zoon out the current page. When you start to add text, shapes, images, or a freehand drawing to your document, it is recommended to set the zoom level back to 100% first.

Your original PDF file and the updated PDF file are safe and secure. All the work are done directly in your browser. None of the files or the information in the files will be transmitted to our server or anywhere else.